Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights

Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights


Celebrating 50 Plus Years Of Excellence.

Please Note: If your child has a cold or a fever they will not be allowed to attend.

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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Children’s Learning Center to assure that each child and family is provided a loving and caring environment where each child develops a sense of belonging, a safe and secure feeling with supported stimulating growth initiatives...





Our Dream In Action

Our Dream In Action
Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action will change the world. It is the vision of Children’s Learning Center of Richmond Heights to excel in providing opportunities for all children to experience developmental success...

Core Values

Core ValuesCore Values
RESPECT: all children, their families, and our staff; regardless of their ethnic origins, value systems, faiths, customs, languages and /or socioeconomic status are entitled to be respected and loved unconditionally...

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CLC Motto

CLC Motto
“Building a Solid Foundation for the future by learning and doing today in the Spirit of Excellence”

Non-Discrimination Policy

Non-Discrimination Policy
Children’s Learning Center of Richmond Heights is an Equal Opportunity provider and considers applications for enrollment regardless of race, religion, color, creed, sex, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.

Our Philosophy

Our PhilosophyOur Philosophy
Children’s Learning Center is designed to facilitate children’s healthy growth and development. A typical day at “CLC”includes structured and unstructured activities for children to complete individually and for the group to interact collectively...

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Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights - Toddler Crawls - Developmental Milestones
Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights - Toddler Crawls - Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones:
12 Months

What are some of the developmental milestones my child should reach by twelve months of age?
From eight to twelve months of age, your baby will become increasingly mobile, a development that will thrill and challenge both of you. Being able to move from place to place will give your child a delicious sense of power and control—her first real taste of physical independence.

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You've survived
the "terrible twos!"

Your 3- to 4-year-old child will continue to grow and develop in many ways in the coming year. Hopefully, you have energy left to enjoy what lies ahead for you and your preschooler.

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Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights baby girl plays with toy
Developmental Milestones - Children's Learning Center of Richmond Heights - Three_to_Four_Years_Old_Child